WAPPA was incorporated in May 1980 as the West Australian Pig Producers Association. In March 1996 it became the West Australian Pork Producers Association.
The primary objective of the Association is to promote and safeguard the interests of the Western Australian Pork Industry. In addition WAPPA aims to:
- Provide a forum for the collection and exchange of information;
- Represent and advance the interests of the pork industry and its members with the Western Australian and Federal Governments and their respective departments;
- Provide access to published information to improve pig production and quality;
- Promote and participate in the improvement of the standard of pig meat production, processing and manufacturing, through research.
WAPPA membership is available to all pork producers and/or associated organisations in the following categories:
Producer Members - any person/persons or any company/ies who, engage in or earn, in whole or in part, income from the production and sale of pigs.
Industry Sector Members - are industry sectors that are involved in the production, manufacturing and marketing of pig meat. Persons or groups wishing to become Industry Sector Members must apply to the Executive and be approved. There is no fee for Industry Sector membership.
Voting rights at any WAPPA meeting are only available to members involved in the production, marketing and manufacturing of pig meat and ex-producers or industry sector members who have been granted Life Membership. To be eligible to vote, Producer Members must be registered and have paid a charge in accordance with the Agricultural Produce Commission (Pork Production Industry) Regulations 2004, within the annual membership period.
The membership year is 1 July to 30 June.
The Pig Day Out is held every year, an event that provides a forum for producers to hear about the latest research and other topical issues. Later in the year an Industry Day is held which includes research and industry policy related matters. The Industry Day is followed by the annual dinner. Both events are supported by our very valuable sponsors listed below. Wherever possible we ask our members to support our sponsors in return.